
Catwalk stories


The Next top model?

Strut your stuff at the most exclusive party of the year.

Our Fashion Model Party is popular with budding models everywhere!

One of our partner venues becomes our Photographic Studio for the afternoon, complete with lighting and a coloured backdrop.

 Our 2 professional make-up artists, transform the guests’ hair, nails and make-up.  We provide a selection of accessories to make the party outfits extra-special.  These can include feather boas, head-dresses and jewellery, which are then yours to keep.

Our Twizzle Choreographer will run the event, teaching the models how to work the Catwalk and putting together a show to be proud of!

 And our brilliant Fashion Photographer leads a photo session for each model.  He will photograph each model individually and then in groups as they work the Catwalk and perform their routine.  Each guest will get a copy of themselves on the front page, which is printed during the party.  All the prints are provided on a memory stick after the party.

Making Fun



Call Us Today On: 020 8392 0860


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