
Halloween is around the corner, boo! Time for your kids to dress up, spook people, and play harmless tricks! Make this year extra fun with our great ideas for special Halloween games, a spooky tea and treats to make you go eek! We’ve also got suggestions for safe trick-or-treating.

1- Mischief Night

Get kids into the spirit of things by explaining that Halloween celebrations go right back to the days when people believed in witches.  People would light fires to scare off evil spirits. It also used to be known as Mischief Night – the one time of year you could be naughty!  It’s not just about spooks and fun – it’s also an important day for Christians as it’s the eve of All Saints’ Day.  But for most children nowadays, Halloween is about dressing up; spooking each other and playing trick-or-treat.

If you can, why not let your child invite a friend or two over for a special Halloween tea?

2- Spooky tea party

Encourage the kids to dress up as favorite scary characters. Hang some long ‘cobwebs’ made of black crepe paper in the room and decorate the table with gory gimmicks from your local store. Witches fingers, hairy spiders, Dracula teeth, sawn-off fingers and fake blood all go down well! When the guests arrive, organize games and activities so children can let off steam. Then serve up a special Halloween tea with treats to make them go eek!  After tea, accompany the children down the road for some trick-or-treat mischief.

3- Fun Halloween games and activities

  • Make Jack-o’-lanterns. These are hollowed-out pumpkins with scary faces cut into the side. When it gets dark, place outside on the doorstep to scare off witches and ghouls.
  • Apple bobbing is a fun, wet activity! Without using hands, you have to grab an apple with your teeth out of a water-filled bucket.
  • Snap apple is similar, only apples are tied on lengths of string. Or you could use apple donuts!
  • Play ‘hunt the toffee apple’. Make sure there are enough for each child.
  • Scary blind man’s buff is fun. The blindfolded child has to grab a ‘ghost’ as the other children run by, making spooky noises.

Trick or treating is a ritual from America and it’s the highlight of Halloween for many children. People give sweets to children who call at the door so they won’t have tricks played on them. Dressing up as witches, ghosts and demons is all part of the fun.  It’s also traditional to disguise yourself with masks, painted faces, and wigs so people won’t know who has played tricks on them.

 4- Trick or treat fun

  • Play it safe with a few commonsense rules. Explain to children that Halloween is a special evening when you can do things you wouldn’t normally do.
  • Accompany younger children in the street.
  • Carry torches so you can be seen.
  • Restrict older children to your local neighborhood.
  • As a courtesy, warn neighbors first! Take bags to collect all the goodies.Take some harmless tricks with you – monster teeth are good.

5- Cant do it yourself? Twizzle’s here!

Have a look at the photo gallery below to see how we at Twizzle could add the right spook to your party! From theming, to catering, entertainment and gifts, we’ve got it all covered.

If you want to book your own Twizzle Halloween party, click here 

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